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Color Guard

The Color Guard at Veterans High Schools is an important and invaluable part of the Warhawk Squadron Marching Band. During football season, the color guard is an integral part of the marching design, color palette, and musical interpretation of the show.  


By using flags, sabres, rifles and props to communicate the intent of the music, as well as a mix of ballet, jazz, modern, and contemporary modern dance, the color guard interprets the music into a stunning visual element.


The Warhawk Squadron Color Guard performs during football games at halftime and at competitions. During competitions, the guard adds to the overall score of the band; however, judges also evaluate the guard as an individual unit and assign a stand alone score.


​There is no prior experience required to join the Warhawk Squadron Color Guard, aside from a hardworking spirit and positive attitude!

©2024 by Veterans High School Instrumental Music Department | 340 Piney Grove Rd. Kathleen, GA 31047 |

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